To make your home the best it can be, your windows need to be the best they can be, and one great and effective way to make sure your windows are performing at their best is to invest in San Jose, CA replacement windows. After all, your windows are your house’s first defense against weather, pests, and other issues. If your windows aren’t functioning at their best, your house can quickly start having other problems from temperature control onward.
If your windows have any of the five problems, it’s time for a window replacement.
Energy Efficiency – Windows are essentially holes in your home’s insulation. A great reason why you should replace windows is to enjoy a more energy efficient window system. Thanks to modern technology, windows are more energy efficient than ever before. You can potentially save 7 to 15 percent on your annual energy bill by replacing your old windows with more energy efficient models. Energy efficient windows can help you save money by taking some of the stress off your air conditioner or heater, therefore using less electricity. They also make your home more comfortable and enjoyable by reducing the amount of heat or cold let in on a daily basis.
Rot – One of the biggest dangers towards windows is rot. Wooden windows are especially in danger of rotting. But vinyl, aluminum, or composite windows with wooden sashes, frames, and dividers can also rot away and allow air, water, and pests to creep into your home. Rot is unsafe and visually unappealing. It can detract from the overall value of your home and in extreme cases, leave your windows open to collapse or complete failure.
Broken Seals – If you notice condensation or seemingly permanent fogginess on your windows, your windows may have broken seals. Windows with broken seals, otherwise known as blown windows, are dramatically inefficient and allow both air and water into your home. Window seals generally blow due to extreme weather or temperature change. This dramatic air movement snaps the seals and allows condensation to form in the gap between glass panels. Once a window is blown it’s almost impossible to repair, so broken seals are a big reason why you should replace your windows.
Comfort Levels – Old or broken-down windows usually have loose sashes, cracked or peeling weather-stripping, and a variety of other issues that allow in outside air. This rush of air is what causes drafts. A draft is not only chilly in the winter but can also be hot in the summer. Drafts have a seriously negative impact on your home’s comfort level, not to mention your energy bill. Replacing drafty windows will make your home dramatically more enjoyable and save you money in the long run.
Replacing windows can be expensive. But in the long run, your home will look and feel better, as will your wallet. California Custom Creations is here to help if you want more information on replacement windows in San Jose, CA. Stop by and visit us or give us a call today!