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Getting replacement windows in San Jose, CA may have been on your €œto-do someday€ list for quite a while. But, before COVID-19, there were too many things to do, places to go, and sights to see that you never quite had enough time and money to undertake having replacement windows installed in your home.

2020 has been a year in which you’ve put many things on hold. Traveling is less safe than it was before the COVID-19 pandemic started. If you usually travel outside the United States for vacations, you will find that now that most countries prohibit Americans from traveling there.

Even if you travel extensively domestically during your vacations, you are faced with limited access or no access to many vacation destinations. These might include cruises, theme parks, or even national parks.

Therefore, you may have decided to put off vacations that involve traveling. Because of that, you have saved a lot of money. Not only have you saved the actual costs of travel, but you’ve also saved lodging costs, food costs, and attractions costs.

Additionally, you’ve saved time. You have spent the majority of this year at home already and will very likely spend the remainder of it – even during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays – at home as well.

There are upsides to canceled vacations, less busyness, and more time at home.

First, because you and your family have been at home more this year, you’ve had more time to assess the condition of your home and to notice things you might not have noticed before. Maybe you finally notice how many leaky faucets you have in your home. Perhaps you noticed how much wear and tear your flooring has taken over the years.

Maybe you are more aware of how drafty your house is because the older windows in your home don’t function well anymore or because, with everyone home, there were constant discussions about your home being too hot or too cold because your windows aren’t energy efficient.

Another upside to canceled vacations, less busyness, and more time at home is that you have had significantly less expensive staycations, which has left you with the money you need to actually take on some large home improvement projects that you didn’t have the time or money to invest in before.

Now is the perfect opportunity to have replacement windows installed in your home. You’ve noticed that the windows in your home aren’t operating properly. If your windows are hard to open and close, then the odds that you or another family member will break them are higher.

If your windows don’t close all the way or they don’t fit snuggly in the window frames, then you’ve got cooling loss during the summer and heating loss during the winter. This means your home is less comfortable no matter what time of year it is, and it means that your energy costs are higher than they should be.

When you have replacement windows installed in your home, you get some valuable benefits right away and you get valuable benefits that last for a long time.

First, replacement windows increase the value of your home. If you decide to move at some point, replacement windows will allow you to have a higher asking price for your home. Additionally, having replacement windows installed will attract more buyers to your home.

replacement windows in San Jose, CA

Having replacement windows installed in your home will also make your home more energy efficient. Not only will your HVAC system have to run less to keep your home comfortable, but you will see significant savings on your energy costs.

In 2020, use your vacation money to have replacement windows installed in your home. You’ll find this is one of the best investments you can make.

To learn more about replacement windows in San Jose, CA, you can speak with our knowledgeable staff at California Custom Creations.

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