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After installation of replacement windows in San Jose, CA, you can do wonderous things with them to make your home a shining star in the neighborhood. The holidays are right around the corner, and they give you a chance to spend time with family, far and near, to have a few days off of work, and to enjoy the bounty of holiday food and treats.

Your new replacement windows are part of your plan to get ready for the holidays. Now that you’ve checked that last home improvement project for this year off your to-do list, you can now make your replacement windows a focal point of your holiday décor.

One of the easiest ways to make your replacement windows the star of the holidays is to use them to create stunning seasonal displays. Use a window-height table placed in front of your replacement windows to create seasonal vignettes, such as a decorated gingerbread house, with lights placed inside, that is surrounded by fluffy snow and holly leaves and berries or a tiny village that is decorated for the season.

You can also use these tables in front of your replacement windows to display a rustic manger scene or to hold beautiful poinsettia plants that you can decorate with colorful red and green bows that people can easily see from the street.

The kinds of holiday displays that you can create in your replacement windows is limited only by your imagination. From family photo displays to small decorated holiday trees, you can make your replacement windows burst with color and comfort all season long.

Now that you’ve got your new replacement windows installed, don’t forget about updating your window treatments. You can add seasonally-colored shades and curtains to create a stunning and inviting window into the warmth of the holidays that is bursting from inside your home as you decorate.

One of the most popular ways to decorate replacement windows during the holiday season is to hang wreaths on the outside of them. You can use easy-to-remove hangers to hang vibrant green wreaths decorated with large red bows from all the windows in front of your home.

Another popular way to decorate replacement windows is to string lights around the outside frame of the windows. These can either be multicolored, flashing lights that you set on a timer to turn on at night or they can be white, green, and red lights that don’t blink when you turn them on at dusk.

A nice decorating touch to add to your replacement windows during the holidays is bells. These can be hung from the window lock or, if you want to be a little more innovative and add another decorating vehicle, they can be hung from a small wood ladder and leaned up against the windows.

You can also showcase your replacement windows by keeping the wrapped gifts you can’t fit under the tree on the window sills around the room where your tree is set up. This practically gives you extra space, while the gorgeous colors of the wrapping paper the gifts are wrapped in serve to decorate your windows.

If you’re interesting in keeping your replacement windows elegant but simple, you can just place a single battery or electric lighted candle on the window sill of each window in your home to create a warm, white glow.

To learn more about replacement windows in San Jose, CA, you can talk with our expert team at California Custom Creations. You can call us at (408) 316-6293 to make an appointment for a free in-home consultation.

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